Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Theme of Hypocrisy in The Catcher In The Rye

The Theme of Hypocrisy in The Catcher In The Rye nbsp; nbsp; In the novel The Catcher In The Rye, the protagonist Holden Caulfield views his surroundings with hypocrisy and contempt in an attempt to avoid the corruption of adulthood. Holden places himself above the crowd because he believes everyone acts phony. In the process, Caulfield reveals his true problem: his refusal to change. nbsp; Holden fears adulthood because it brings responsibilities and trouble. He believes all adults possess an aurora of phoniness. His disgust of everyone around him reveals his fear of growing up. Holden exhibits insecurity, so to make himself feel better, he exercises the power to condemn people for the way they behave. Holden†¦show more content†¦The trouble is, you wouldnt (Salinger 172). Because the aging process is inevitable, Holden abhors the idea of growing up and becoming a phony himself. nbsp; Change is inevitable and is a constant phase that Holden cannot conceptualize. Holdens fear of change can be exemplified by the Museum of Natural History. Like the museum, he wants everything to be unchanging and as simple as possible. He talks about the immutable statues by saying, Certain things they should stay the way they are... I know its impossible, but its too bad anyway (Salinger 122). By admitting his fear of change, Holden also reveals another important aspect of his life: his loss of childhood innocence. The only thing he can talk about without contempt is kids. Allie, his deceased brother, is continuously mentioned in the book, as well as the many interactions Holden has with Phoebe. Although he is continuously deriding others around him, he humbly admits to his sister that the only thing he could envision doing is saving kids, What I have to do - I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff [...] Id just be the catcher in the rye and all. I k now its crazy, but thats the only thing Id like to be (Salinger 173). Holdens love for kids is the onlyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Catcher Of The Rye 1080 Words   |  5 Pagessociety has left them believing hypocrisy is a trait carried through many, and thus falsely believing they are exempt from it. Hypocrisy is viewed as the process of stating moral standards or beliefs in which one self does not follow. Although both characters are seen with this theme, it’s not the only one present. In the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and the movie Igby Goes Down by Burr Steers hypocrisy, self-Isolation and the deception of adult-hood are themes that re-illiterate the comingRead MoreTheme Of The Catcher In The Rye976 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger there are several different themes portrayed that widely relate to current issues of teenagers and adults alike. While reading the novel several different them es were revealed creating a deep and meaningful story line. 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The main character, Holden, runs away from his expensive school because he is an academic failure and finds intolerable the company of so many phoneys. Holden is a rangy sixteen year old who has grown too fast. Girls are on his mind. Whenever girls do something pretty, even if theyre ugly or stupid

Virtual Reality In Theatre Spaces Free Essays

This dissertation will explore the effects of virtual reality in theatre spaces and how it effects people’s perception and experience about space and how the technology has advanced in past years.With the advancements in technology,the experience in theatre spaces has become hyper real thereby allowing people to perceive spaces in a different way. The concept of virtual reality can be introduced in film festivals by assessing the possible effects and influences that the VR might have on people and movie experiences. We will write a custom essay sample on Virtual Reality In Theatre Spaces or any similar topic only for you Order Now This dissertation will also focus on how the movie experience changes by immersing yourself in the movie cutting you off from the people and surrounding,there by understanding the problems and challenges faced by people using surveys and questionnaires. INTRODUCTION Virtual Reality is the computer-generated simulation of a three dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.The technological advancements today have led to various explorations in different fields. The various VR systems available today are Oculus Rift HTC’S VR system with controllers Samsung gear VR Google cardboard Treadmill and haptic gloves VR movie watching is a 360 degree immersive experience where the viewer is at the center of action.As a scene unfolds,viewer has the choice to look in whichever direction he wants and become absorbed in whatever part of the action they choose.In VR cinemas, talking part is designed to be more about the technology and experience rather than the movie.When we watch movies,the action/reaction happens only within the narrative,but VR systems are considered to be linking human intelligence with artificial intelligence thereby engaging the audience. RESEARCH PROBLEM How does introducing virtual reality in theatre spaces change the perception of movie experience and affect the psychology of people and what are the outcomes? AIM : The aim of this research is to study the incorporation of virtual reality spaces in theatre complex and to study the impact on people’s behaviour and how they experience the space. The main idea is also to study on different VR technologies and the application of it in theatre spaces and to understand how virtual reality helps in improving the movie experiences by making it hyper real. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this research is to understand how people perceive such environments and how people cope up with the change in the viewing atmosphere of a movie theatre. To study how the implementation of Virtual Reality technology in theater spaces will have its own reflections on theater design. To understand how the technological advancements have helped in improving the cinematic experience. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS: This research will be limited to : Exploration of different virtual reality systems and the scope of it in future. Exploration of proposals of virtual reality Understanding the limitations and challenges of using VR in movies Understanding the psychological impact of VR on people . The study will not be focusing on : Design guidelines Primary Casestudies DATA COLLECTION : HISTORY AND EVOLUTION: Pictures have been used as a medium of communication for thousand years.But the canvas and techniques for drawing them have changed radically. Modern computer graphics have provided for many years,the newest and potentially most expressive media for pictoral communication . Improvements in the power and accessibility of interactive 3D graphic system have recently added a new dimension. By sensing the position and orientation of the human head and coupling the resulting data into a high performance computer graphics system,it is possible to generate a computer synthesized view of a virtual world wherever the user is looking.This is known as VR. CHALLENGES :Virtual Reality is a new concept in cinematic field. While the whole concept of the film festival is to bring people together for screening the movies,introducing virtual reality in the theatre could be a challenging aspect as different people might have different opinion on the concept of virtual reality. The only way to watch a VR film is to put on a headset—imagine a padded scuba-diving mask and a pair of headphones—which cuts you off from everyone and everything around you. In some ways, VR films are the opposite of what film festivals stand for.  The dissertation will focus on exploring more about the possibilities of improving the movie experiences with and without VR technology. It could be argued that in the future the participation might lower to individual contribution rather than a group involvement. Early VR headsets made some users feel nauseous. â€Å"The stereotype of virtul reality is an isolated person sitting alone in a room,their head sealed with a helme.Tribeca immersive programming at the tribeca film festival tries to make VR more tangible and social experience † PROPOSALS FOR VR :The global VR market ,which was valued at about $2 billion last year is expected to reach approximately $27 billion by 2022. Virtual reality isn’t just for gaming anymore. VR movies are becoming mainstream with several Hollywood A-list directors jumping on board with a new approach to storytelling. Virtual Reality cities – Hypatia by Timefire media Virtual reality social networking – Vtime by Starship group. Virtual Reality tours by Chernobyl vrVirtual Reality research by Visualization laboratory. Architecture by Iris Vr. † A prominent project – Hero allows users to move around freely in a simulated syrian neighbourhood.† RESEARCH PAPER AUTHOR SUMMARY Fusion of reality and virtual reality Narin SappakitThe research paper mainly focuses on how digital technology can be implemented between film and architecture.As walls and skin of the building can now become screens, changing the way the building relates and interacts to its context and the way people experience space. How does virtual reality influence cinema ? Exploring a possible future of cinematic environment by Benan DemirThe paper focuses on the new technology of virtual reality on the cinema and how the two may collaborate and converge. It also explores on the existing virtual cinema products and argue how they might converge in future Virtual Reality in Theatre spaces Sherouk Mohamed Shehab El Din Saad Bad The paper focuses on two aspects.Traditional theatre spaces and virtual reality and its impact in theatre spaces.The study is based on creating virtual reality spaces with unlimited design creativity for entertainment and education by using different VR systems.Also by adding new architecture approaches to form spaces that can highly implement Virtual Reality Technology Why virtual reality will change the design forever? Article by Mark Wilson Discusses about the various reasons and the positive sides of vr technology Tribeca film festival How virtual reality is changing the way we experience stage shows? Virtual Reality Movies: VR revolution Article Gabriel ElizondoArticle by The Conversation blog. The wall street journal Talks about how Tribeca Film Festival for the first time, showcases a theatre constructed for cinema-goers to fully experience films in 360 degrees. Discusses about the development f VR in recent years. When virtual reality is used interactively it opens up whole new worlds to be explored. The traditional relationship between space-actor-spectator becomes a space-spectator relationship. The audience is no longer in a passive role. Dramatic action is substituted by a real action, and how it plays out is shaped by the spectators. Talks about how Hollywood is Changing with Vr technology. Viewing VR is starkly different than watching a traditional film: With conventional movies, the director dictates your focus of attention. An aerial view cuts to a medium shot cuts to a close up—giving you no say in what you see. But virtual reality puts you in charge. The headset allows you to observe any aspect of a setting and, in some cases, even affect the way the story unfolds depending on where you look. Advancement of VR in marketing and investment – a digital survey report: â€Å"With investment in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) on the rise, the results of a new survey by global law firm Perkins Coie LLP depict a growing industry that is moving to a greater focus on more practical applications, while facing concerns reflective of an expanding customer base. The survey of startup founders, technology company executives, investors and consultants, released in March 2018, follows the firm’s inaugural AR/VR Surveyreleased in September 2016. † Biggest obstacle for mass adoption of VR technology Literature survey anaysis :Industry insights to the future of VR Gaming was considered as the sector they expected to attract the most investment for the Coming year but wasn’t strong in 2018.with military,movies,among the areas making gains. Most of the respondents said that user experience was the top obstacle for VR because of Heavy headgears cost being the second biggest obstacle . The drop for movies and television could stem from a belief that shorter experiences work better VR. But the drop for live events and the annuncements including the October 2017 announcement that Facebook would use Oculus technology to allow its users to watch live concerts and sports with friends from around the world. â€Å"Overall, the survey shows that those in the industry have strong confidence in the potential of AR and VR. One respondent called this era a formative and experimental phase—one that will create significant rewards for both developers and players in the not-too-distant future.† SURVEY REPORT – QUESTIONNAIRE In a survey conducted among 20 people around 10 people have experienced VR more than 4 times. As the technology is advancing VR people are getting more Familiar with the devices used hence contributing to the Growth of VR industry. According to the survey, only 5% of 20 people haven’t come across the devices used. How to cite Virtual Reality In Theatre Spaces, Papers